Saturday, February 19, 2011

I'm not even going to name this post...

Random thoughts

I ate the biggest hamburger for dinner… Coby was amazed that I devoured that sucker… it was so good… maybe it’s the reason I’m still awake.

Some people, I have thought sometimes, although they are awesome and smart and incredible people whom I love, I’ve thought maybe they ask so many opinions, or speak out so much about what they are doing because they don’t have confidence in their own decisions… I was just thinking… too, that most of them have a lot of responsibility in their church callings… maybe I’m thinking about myself too.  You know, with all the responsibility it’s  soooo hard to have confidence in my decisions… maybe that’s a reason why we are called to where we are, because we don’t believe we can do it right… or hardly ever do for that matter…I guess maybe that helps things run with everyone’s input… all I know for a fact is that I am so grateful for friends (one in particular) who always tells me I’m doing good, and that everything is going great, even though I’m probably making the whole program fail!  Thanks L#*%*@, you keep me grounded when all I see is failure in my particular calling...

You know, I love my kids… as much as I love my amazing husband… more than my life.
In fact did you know that I used to pray for my husband? That he would make the right choices in order to be a good father someday…?  Wow, did my prayers from my teens ever get answered or what?!  He’s awesome!  He came home tonight… bustin at the seems to work on something for his future dream… but, what he said was “who wants to play Hide and Seek?!”  and of course they all came running… I said “you don’t have to do that, they need to take a bath, and I’ll do that…”  He said  “But, I want to.”  ~It’s those “little” things that are the big things to me.
Oh, and I used to pray for my kids too, that they’d know that I couldn’t wait to meet them, and that they’d know I’d love them soooo much… good thing I said it then, cuz it’s hard to remember it sometimes!  Like when I’m wiping a booger off the fridge from my 3 year old… who does that?  Gross.  (did you know that Booger is not in spell check?  Boogey is, but not booger…)

I had a soda tonight… it was delicious… orange crush, it made me feel young and naïve.  Naïve to the fact that it’s not going to go straight to my butt, and to the fact that it’s not going to hamper my oxygen intake, of which I’ve been working hard on with all the cardio I do lately… and naïve to the fact that it’s not rotting my teeth… It was just good, that’s all.

It’s 3:16 am for the 4th night in a row, and I can’t sleep.  Oh, how I want too (and no babies are keeping me up, wish they were, I'd so rather be cuddling with one of them)
Come on.  I feel like I work hard enough during the day… my body owes me a good night’s sleep…

While I’m up… here’s a little secret.  I got Coby 3 bags of Butterfinger hearts for Valentines day.  2 of them made it till the day before… and he thinks I only got him one, cuz I had them in the car, and ate one whole bag while driving everywhere that day! AND: of the one bag I was able to give him, I’ve now eaten more than half of it, in fact I think he only has 4 left!
(and they are the big bags…!)  Hey, fair game, when I gave them to him in the cheesy heart tin with his gift, I TOLD him to hide them.  He was warned.

I laughed so hard a while back when Brian Regan (comedian) talked about the snooze button on our alarms...
"why not start the day with a little procrastination?!"
Now I think of that and smile every time I hit the snooze button (like 7X) every morning. 


Brandt said...

I enjoyed everything about this post.. and note to self..if i ever upset u I will buy u a giant butterfinger and a crush! Love ya sis

Robbie and Darcy said...

You are so blessed in so many ways...but the best is that you CAN eat all those butterfingers (or oreos, or shakes) and still look so DANG good! You know each time I sit down to eat oreos (a lot!) I think of you...of course I think of you TONS of other times too, but that one seems to be a lot these days! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Um, that post is from me Emily!! But Im pretty sure u figured it out! Happy Bday to cute Keadon!!

Anonymous said...

Remember when we pray when we had to travel to Antofagasta? and the bus was damaged on the road? Always remember that your prayer you said: Please if something happens to the bus, help and rescue us soon! and that was it. Love you :)

Ps: excuse my english!!